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MCM News
MCM Combat Event Schedule Changes! On the 3’s Ends!
Greetings Pilots

We have been getting a lot of consistent interest on having events on Wednesdays. Wednesday events were run to make sure a given week has a week day event even when the on the 3’s combat event had a break due to it only happening 3 times a month. Going forward starting tomorrow officially our regularly scheduled combat event will be Wednesdays and Saturdays going forward. The MCM event schedule on our site has been updated and will reflect the changes. As activity grows and spreads out we might add more. See you on the combat field!

Created By: Ender Hanner on 20-Jun-2023, 17:29:10 - Comments are turned off -

MCM Recent Mech, Weapon and System Updates!
Greetings Pilots!

MCM Mite- To start with work as been done to fix a few issues with the Mite everyone’s favorite tiny pest! The Snare weapons effect opacity has been decreased significantly so it doesn’t block the targeted mechs able to see the the mite, Also projectiles have been fixed so they stop passing though the target affecting damage potential. Lastly for the Mite its targeting / aiming has been improved.

MCM Wiki- The wiki’s URL’s have been cleaned up a bit.

MCM Heavy Clusters- The Monger’s heavy clusters have been fixed to stop detonation of the cluster missiles before they have been deployed fully above the mech. The clusters targeting has been fixed so the previous salvo’s targeting doesnt get confused by the next salvo of munitions launched while they are looking for targets.

MCM Monger- The mech’s franamtion and shape have been adjusted to provide better aiming / targeting with its laser and triple PPC. The monger’s heavy clusters no longer trigger a friendly fire error.

MCM Brigand- Splash damage with Gauss Cannon works again. Its attachment default locations have been adjusted out of the box to use its mount points more efficently.

Created By: Ender Hanner on 11-Jun-2023, 18:48:08 - Comments are turned off -

Rumble Rebord Mech Updates! + Peregrine AA
Greetings Pilots!

The retrofit of the Rumble mech as well as its Peregrine AA gun has been completed thanks to Nash!...You may pick up your updated copy though the vendor re-delivery. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing your input on its performance...Death to fliers !

Good hunting!

Created By: Ender Hanner on 01-Jun-2023, 17:30:38 - Comments are turned off -

MCM 2v2 Tournament Light and Medium Classes!
Attention All Pilots! Register By: 7/6/2023
Tournament Date: 7/8 1pm - 6 pm SL

We will be hosting a Medium / Light Class tournament open to everyone! Find a wingman and sign up before 7/6/23. 420Nyts will be the MC and has setup a sign-up dropbox at our landing point. Awards provided by 420 himself as well as rewards from Myself and Nash (MCM) as well. Get your teams and get practicing! Are your ready!

Created By: Ender Hanner on 30-May-2023, 19:34:28 - Comments are turned off -

Music To a Mech Techs Ears!
Greetings, Pilots!

We will be having live DJ’s dropping their own metal and mayhem during our some of our events starting with the MCM Combat on the 3s! We hope you come for the combat and enjoy the music to blow stuff up to!

Created By: Ender Hanner on 30-May-2023, 19:30:32 - Comments are turned off -

meter 11.17 - 11.18 changes
version 11.18
∗ new flamer engine - flamers now do a combination of heat and DoT. Heat is no
longer sufficient by itself to heatlock a mech by itself, but it will push the mech
close enough that the enemy would be wise to run away rather than return fire.
∗ fixed the long standing knockdown bug
∗ more tweaks to max speed
version 11.17
∗ remove the mech zombie problem
∗ max velocity now relates more strongly to the mech’s ground and air speed.

Created By: Nash Fraenkel on 27-May-2013, 19:07:13 - Comments are turned off -

Meter 11.10 - 11.16 changes
version 11.16
∗ limit air speed boost
Fixed the infamous falling speed glitch. Mechs will no longer be able to
accelerate indefinitely while falling. This means that jets and such will
have to be use fuel for horizontal acceleration. Hopefully, this will result
in more tactical use of jets.
∗ repair jump heat
Fixed a bug that prevented jump heat from being applied in some circumstances.
∗ add support for new AO
The Proponent MKII is the first mech to use the brand new AO developed for MCM
by Bellimora.
∗ various minor changes to the heat system (not that anyone will notice yet)
version 11.14
∗ repair nuclear explosions
version 11.13
∗ core support for new capture point system
∗ additional beacon fixes
∗ speed up speed boost code.
∗ mod commands
version 11.12
∗ nuke explosion bug fixed
∗ override - when you shutdown from heat, "/1 override" will
temporarily turn off the safeties on your mech’s reactor
allowing it to run hot. This can cause damage to the
reactor and if you push it too hard.... ∗BOOOOM∗
∗ beacon exploit fixed
∗ general code clean up
version 11.11
∗ beacons are physical again
version 11.10
∗ weapons disarm when meter is removed

Created By: Nash Fraenkel on 20-May-2013, 21:04:53 - Comments are turned off -

Meter 11.07 Changes
• Updates for Eclypse Mechs
• Added Shield to mechs

• Stack Collision caused from low memory

Created By: Kalel Mommsen on 26-Jul-2011, 21:08:56 - Comments are turned off -

Meter 11.04 Changes
• Experience system for game types, e.g. +10 exp for capturing in a flag in CTF mode.
• Added auto assign to CTF and TDM modes.

• Spamming the power system on/off is no longer possible, there is now a five second delay on power up/down.
• CTF message ’User has taken the ctfflag flag.’ has now been fixed.

Created By: Lucian Collas on 08-Jun-2011, 04:00:28 0 Comments (Add/View Comment)

Something New is on the horizon.....

From the ashes of the Terra Defense network arose the Imperial Templers. A religious group devoted to the destruction of the Throg. The fictional story of MCM continues.

Read it here: Imperial Templers

Imperial Templers Global Faction is now online and available. Go forth holy warriors!

Created By: Kalel Mommsen on 03-Jun-2011, 12:56:48 0 Comments (Add/View Comment)